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Tomovi Law Company

Our law firm was established in its initial form in 1998. Over the years, it has expanded its operations, and currently employs certified and admitted to practice barristers, solicitors, trainees and a law student. We provide qualified legal services in Bulgarian, English, Russian and German.

Аreas of activity

Civil Law and Civil Procedure

Legal representation in courts, consultation of a title deed, a power of attorney, contracts or other documents

Criminal law, detention, and change of preventive measure

Legal Services and consultations about General Data Protection Regulation and processes related to keeping personal data

Commercial and Corporate Law

Equity, assets and shares in LLC or PLC, partners’ rights and obligations, change of a manager, procurator appointment

Law of Obligations and Contracts

Preliminary and final contracts for purchase and sales, lease or rental contracts, real estate transactions

Representation of Victims of Road Traffic Accidents

Seeking liability from and imposing penalties to the insurer or another participant, defending legal rights after incident

Property Law – Movable and Immovable Property

Preliminary and final contracts, title deeds and all necessary documents, legal representation in court proceedings of all instances

Family Law and Succession Law

Divorce, аctions for award of child support, consultancy services and representation in proceedings for domestic violence

Labour Law and Social Security Law

Labour disputes, wrongful dismissal, layoffs, disciplinary penalties, conducting proceedings for unpaid remuneration

International Law and Maritime Law

Consultancy and representation for seafarers, arrest of ships, proceedings related to ship collisions and shipwrecks

Legal Services for Foreign Nationals

Legal Services on the purchase or sales of property in Bulgaria, inspection and analysis of the available documents

Commonhold-Related Actions

Consultancy and representation services in court, defence of a co-owner against unlawful resolutions of the General Meeting

Energy and Electricity Production from RES

Claims in the event of refusal of connection to the grid, representation in proceedings before the Energy and Water Regulatory Commission